




  San Bernardino County » Barstow

  Place » Outdoors

Calico Ghost Town Campground
San Bernardino County » Barstow
Place » Outdoors

Barstow, CA 92311

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Calico is an old West mining town that has been around since 1881 and was abandoned in the mid-1890s after silver lost its value. The town that once gave miners a good living lost its hustle and became a “ghost town.” Today, Calico is part of the San Bernardino County Regional Parks system, which is visited by people from across the country and from all over the world.

Lead Mountain
San Bernardino County » Barstow
Place » Outdoors

Barstow, CA 92311

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The Lead Mountain mine area is known for excellent baryte crystals and beautiful hemimorphite sprays. Micromineral enthusiast can find coronadite, plattnerite, and other lead and manganese minerals.